
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Clowning around

I've just read an article headlining - Humour clowns linked to IVF success.  Apparently in a study done by a team of Israeli doctors it was found that the odds of success were greater among women who were entertained by a professional "medical clown" just after the embryos were transferred to their wombs. 

This is hilarious! I'm sitting here imagining Bobo in all his clowning, red nosed, big footed glory jumping around the clinic room popping out a joke or two while I'm sitting there with my legs in the air. (Too bad if you're one of those people who have a phobia of clowns...that would send stress levels sky high!)

However, I'm not that surprised to hear that a bit of a comedy routine could be beneficial in terms of lowering stress levels. And I fully believe that low stress levels could have an impact on success. That being said I swear I was super cool the last three rounds...maybe I need to watch more comedy?

So if we ever end up doing IVF again, I'm definitely going to put in a special request for clowns. Or at the very least, spend the afternoon watching reruns of Friends...

Image source: lulisplanet on Etsy When I was looking for clown artwork, I came across so many scary clowns it was a little freaky!  Why can't people draw innocent happy clowns?? I liked this picture because of the sparkly balloons and the clown looked so happy :)


  1. Have not seen this article but am happy to come and be the "clown" if you need me to in any future treatment! I actually have some clowning experience LOL

    Take Care
    x J

  2. Thankyou - I'll be impressed if you can juggle. I did clowning in year 10 speech and drama - heaps fun ;)


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