
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All you need is a good dollop of honey

First period completed post IVF and it was a wild hormone ride!  After being pumped full of progesterone and pregnancy hormones the last three months of 2010, I think my poor reproductive system went into withdrawal - sitting in the corner sucking its thumb while rocking and singing to itself.

So I figured the poor old (no not old - quite young!) thing needed a little bit of a helping hand settling back into a normal routine.

Wanting to stay off drugs (do you blame me?) and after speaking to the famed guru - Swami 'Google' - I came up with a few things I'm starting to do to help my poor harassed hormones settle down.
  • Drink red raspberry leaf tea and women's balance tea - red raspberry leaf is supposed to be really good for the uterine lining and balancing hormones.
  • Take evening primrose oil (first half of cycle) - helps with the quality of the fertile mucus - and the essential fatty acids are of course good for the brain!
  • Eat licorice - Licorice is supposed to help with balancing oestrogen.  You're probably supposed to use supplements, but I've liberally interpreted this to include the molasses sweetened licorice from my local fruit shop. Sooo good.
  • Up my honey intake - Honey is of course very healthy but sadly I don't really like it. However, it has a good list of properties that help with ovary function and general reproductive health - so I'm going to LEARN to love it.
I'm hoping that all this, plus a healthy lifestyle and a good dose of time will help get me back on track.

It's alright little hormones...you can stop buzzing around like crazy now...I have some honey for you!

Image source: Hushmouse on Etsy
AND here are some links to the type of info I've been finding. 


  1. Great post - thanks also for the links! ...Off to buy some red raspberry leaf tea ;) xo

  2. Oh good - it tastes really nice too :)


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