
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A weary yet faithful heart

Well our little snow people melted away over Christmas and my heart has become a little wearier. 

It's been a big year with a lot of effort and we are quite exhausted from it all so I think we've well earned a break (as has our bank account!).  Time to just be us for a while, not 'us doing IVF'.

Maybe the Christmas miracle is that I had a lovely day with family, ate huge amounts of food (i.e.chocolate) and drank expensive french champagne (I highly recommend the real stuff - it's amazing).

Maybe the Christmas miracle is that we are both healthy and well and best of friends.

Maybe the Christmas miracle is that we still have faith that we will get there in the end...

Image source: JCSpock on Etsy


  1. So sorry to hear that this last round was unsuccessful :(

    Sending Big Hugs to you and your husband.
    Be kind to yourselves....chocolate sounds like a great place to start!

    Big Hugs
    x J

  2. Thank you - hugs gratefully received...it's a new year...and many chocolate lindt balls later we are on an equilibrium...who knows what will happen in 2011?! x


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