
Monday, November 8, 2010

Chocolate puddles

Just a short observation.

One piece of chocolate is NEVER enough. I've tried really really hard to stick to a 'one piece of chocolate only' rule if I feel like a little hit of something. And invariably I go back for a second...third...*cough* fourth....

Any tips on how to manage this would be welcome (?)

But then again, why would I want to manage out of my life such a beautiful bit of endorphin anti-oxidant piece of goodness? I would say that without the *cough* occasional piece of chocolate, life would be just a little bit greyer...and who wants that?

These 'chocolate puddle' cookies from Everybody likes sandwiches look absolutely divine. Get ready endorphins, a rush is coming your way!

Image source: Everybody likes sandwiches


  1. 4 pieces is quite restrained! I've learnt the only way to stop gorging on chocolate is to not buy it... although I always regret it when I have the self discipline to not buy it :-)

  2. I know - whenever I am super controlled and say I just won't buy chocolate - I always get my worst cravings and totally regret not buying it!


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